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Broadcast Journalism

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Four must-know video editing programs for beginners

With the rise of social media content creation and the general increase in media production overall, video editing has become an incredibly useful skill for many people to have. However the sheer amount of programs that are available can make choosing a place to start very daunting. This video will explain and discuss four great options to start video editing and will provide some clarity on video editing overall.

Making an impact on the community through martial arts

Throughout the years, martial arts have been a great way to both get exercise and find something special within ourselves. Teachers and students alike practice a form of art in which they break for fulfillment through practice and discipline. Watch as martial arts studios in the community make a positive impact by sharing their passion with their students. As well as why it is meaningful to so many people and how it positively affects their lives.

Opinion: How social media causes political misinformation

In the recent years following the pandemic, social media has become a more significant part of our everyday lives. Scrolling through our phones and typing on our laptops, we are constantly bombarded with so much information that we can’t tell what is real. Divided by the lack of understanding of the information presented to us. Eventually, our personal beliefs are confused for facts, altering how we view politics.

Opinion: A workaholic's guide to caffeine

​Whether you are a student or professional, one way or another, caffeine has made an appearance. Whether it be a paper that needs to be turned in by tomorrow morning or a deadline rapidly approaching, caffeine can give you that boost to get it done. But what caffeinated drinks are there, and how are they?

Voices of the people: Teen views on Israel-Hamas conflict

After the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel, Israelis and Palestinians alike are mourning casualties in the complex, nuanced conflict. The repercussions of this regional war have resonated globally, triggering widespread protests in the Arab world and the West.
Made in collaboration with: Inaaya Omer and Jasneh Sasan
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