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About Me


Best of SNO for Inside the mind of mental health treatment

When I received this award, I was stunned because it was my very first award and because I thought it felt rushed and below par in quality. Although jarring, this experience motivated me to push myself harder to earn more awards.
National Student Media Contest Spring 2023 JEA (2)-images-1.jpg

Third Place-Feature Story for Inside the mind of mental health treatment

​When I submitted my feature for this award, I expected the story to be an honorable mention. To my surprise, I received third place in our newsroom upon receiving this award. Though I felt proud of my work, if I planned my feature better and put hours into it, I would have received a higher placement.

Video Package Editing-Honorable Mention

Upon first entering the contest, I was intimidated by a room of capable editors with their programs ready to go, and their presets loaded on their computers. Though feeling underprepared, I powered through the two-hour editing time and gained an honorable mention as a reward. However, I learned that to make better content, I needed more practice and experience than what I had.

Best of SNO for Building hope on the street

In every journalist's career, there comes a time when you realize only some people are willing to answer your questions. Upon this story's completion, I realized that it was no different for me and that I needed to have contingencies just in case.

Best of SNO for Rewinding into the past: the land standing Captain Video store remains open

When in doubt, cold call them. A policy I now follow after writing this feature. If I hadn't called my sources, I wouldn't have been able to figure out that their emails were muted, and the story would've been scrapped.

Best of SNO for At the bottom of the glass: investigating adolescent drinking culture

Though I gave the propper courtesy and respect to my sources as I interviewed them. I learned that I must be even more so when talking about sensitive topics such as alcohol usage. Let them talk about what they want, don't interrupt, and work with what you got.
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